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Loss of Appetite

It is not uncommon for a hedgehog to skip a few meals after being introduced to a new home. Sometimes they just seem to preoccupied with sleeping, exploring, or running on their wheel and forget to eat. Try to introduce the wheel a couple days after introducing a new hedgehog to a new environment so they don't get distracted from eating and drinking. If you have no luck with waiting for hedgehog to develop an appetite, try applying a small amount of Stress Less from Spikes to their dry food or insects.

I would really try to avoid using the stress less on their dried food especially when they refuse to eat because they will expect this with their meal every time. If you are okay with feeding them this goody daily then feel free.


Change in Food:

I suggest keeping the same diet for at least a month before introducing any new foods to the mix. This is to make sure the animal has adjusted to their environment and introducing a different diet may cause them to become stressed.

If you introduce a different food than what I have been using, I suggest mixing the food in small portions and increasing it daily because switching them immediately will cause them diarrhea or a lack of appetite. If the hedgehogs refuse to eat, it may be because they simply don't like it.


Hedgehogs are picky when it comes to their water. I suggest using filtered water such as Colgate at room temperature. Avoid using any well water because well water can contain microscopic organisms they will interfere with the hedgehogs digestion track. My well water for example contains microscopic plants and hedgehogs have more of a difficult time processing plants than we do.

Think of it like this:

There are people who love to drink Coca Cola and will drink it all day, every day. However, there are others who would rather drink nothing than to drink Coca Cola. This is the same with hedgehogs and their water.

If a hedgehog refuses to drink water and becomes dehydrated, this will in return cause a loss of appetite.

If this happens, here are options you may try:

  • Watermelon juice

  • A blend of half Pedialyte or Gatorade and half bottled water

  • Low sodium chicken broth or a mixture of chicken broth and water


Low temperatures can cause the hedgehog to go into hibernation. The hedgehog will be cold to the touch and lethargic are signs of hibernation. The temperature must be 72-80 digress F, I recommend 75-80.

Place your hedgehog on a heating pad next to you or place the hedgehog on your bare skin under blankets until warmed. DO NOT use heating rocks or other high temperature warming objects because if the hedgehog is cold, they will refuse to leave the area and may get burned.


The first symptom of illness or an injury is a loss of appetite. Take your animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible if you are unable to determine the cause.

Constipation or Intestinal Blockage:

  • Bedding

  • Exoskeletons of too many dried insects

  • Carpet fibers

  • Foreign objects such as pieces of toys

Infection or inflammation of the intestinal lining

Tooth or gum issues:

  • Look for broken or missing teeth, irritation, pale color, discolored teeth, or a strange odor.

  • Tooth and gum problems can lead to more serious conditions so it is best to have a veterinarian asses the problem as soon as possible.

Cancers or tumors

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